Saturday, May 06, 2006

I admit it, I am a moderate. Yes, it takes 'cajones', in the spirit of this recent Cinco de Mayo, to say this. With the availability of information (cable news, internet, etc) it would seem everyone would be associated with a political party. I, for one, am not. I take the pragmatic and rational appraoch to actually listen, yes understand the issues and the ideas presented before casting my vote. This is why 'political correctness' is such a strong issue with me.

Without going into details, I must say that it offends me to be branded a racist. We all hold our own personal biases and not everyone falls into a certain set of stereotypes. Furthermore, casting judgement on people based on these sterotypes is wrong. However, commonsense far out weighs 'political correctness'. In the effort to remain succint, I will not post my opinion paper (as part of my political science minor) on Affirmative Action, or, as I like to call it, reverse discrimination. Why is it wrong to speak one's mind nowadays? Take the Duke rape case for example. The 'New Black Panther Party' organized a march recently to protest the ongoings of the case in Durham. 'What do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now!' were the ongoing chants by the amassed group of African Americans. The case has yet to go to trial and yet the black community is already starting protests. What if the two Duke students truly did not rape the accuser? Would the white community then, after the verdict was announced, take the streets and support the young men? Without a doubt, no, they would not. Racial rioting would erupt; see Los Angeles after the Rodney King hearing.

It is a shame, the events of America's past on minorities, but that in now way affects what today's judicial system thinks of these same groups. It is really a shame that minorities have a sense of entitlement based on how they were treated in the past. Reparations to the black community would cripple our economy, not to mention add fuel to any suppressed racism in America.

But people come from different pasts. Our past experiences shape our futures. Without certain experiences one cannot perform certain tasks in meaningful ways. I wouldn't go to a oncologist to tailor a suit, nor would I entrust a poet to solve a differential equation. I'm not trying to say everyone incompetent, but without practice then what results should be expected? People are good at what they are trained in, and when this training strays the results will be unsatisfactory. Race shouldn't enter the issue just because a black woman hasn't had certain experiences. She just hasn't. That simple. And no one should be reprimanded for voicing this opinion and branded a racist.